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L. Castro Martín "Combining Statistical Matching and Propensity Score Adjustment for inference from non-probability surveys"
, vol.404, 113414-, 2022
M.D.M. Rueda García, S. Martínez-Puertas
L. Castro-Martín,
"Methods to Counter Self-Selection Bias in Estimations of the Distribution Function and Quantiles", "Mathematics"
, vol.10, -, 2022
S. Martínez-Puertas, M.D.M. Rueda García
M. Illescas Manzano,
"The optimization problem of quantile and poverty measures estimation based on calibration", "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics"
, vol.405, -, 2022
E. Karapinar, A. Fulga, N. Shahzad
A.F. Roldán López De Hierro,
"Solving integral equations by means of Fixed Point Theory", "Journal of Function Spaces"
, vol.2022, 1-16, 2022
L. Castro Martín, M.D.M. Rueda García
R. Ferri García,
"Combining Statistical Matching and Propensity Score Adjustment for inference from non-probability surveys", "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics"
, vol.404, 113414-, 2022
A.F. Roldán López De Hierro, M.Á. Tíscar-Soria, C.B. Roldán López De Hierro
H. Bustince ,
"A fuzzy methodology for approaching fuzzy sets by fuzzy numbers of the real line", "Fuzzy Sets and Systems"
, vol.435, 55-77, 2022
R. Ferri García
M.D.M. Rueda García,
"Variable selection in Propensity Score Adjustment to mitigate selection bias in online surveys", "Statistical Papers"
, vol.63, 1829-1881, 2022
S. Martínez-Puertas, M.D.M. Rueda García
M. Illescas Manzano,
"Reduction of optimal calibration dimension with a new optimal auxiliary vector for calibrated estimators of the distribution function", "Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences"
, -, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024