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R. Ferri García, J.L. Rueda, M.D.M. Rueda García
B. Cobo Rodríguez,
"The use of design weights for response propensity estimation in nonprobability surveys", "International Conference on Mathematical And Computational Modelling, Approximation and Simulation. New trends, recent developments and applications in environment and natural resources", None-None, 2023
B. Cobo Rodríguez, M.D.M. Rueda García, R. Ferri García
J.L. Rueda,
"A new strategy for handling non-probability samples based on doubly robust kernel weighting.Application to the COVID-19 lockdown survey", "International Conference on Mathematical And Computational Modelling, Approximation and Simulation. New trends, recent developments and applications in environment and natural resources", None-None, 2023
B. Cobo Rodríguez, J.L. Rueda
L. Castro Martín,
"Estimation by kernel weighting of parameters related to employment in the confinement period", "The 5th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics¿ Internet and Big Data in Economics and Social Sciences ¿", None-None, 2023
J.L. Rueda, B. Cobo Rodríguez
L. Castro Martín,
"Use of machine learning techniques in non-probabilistic samples", "The 5th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics¿ Internet and Big Data in Economics and Social Sciences ¿", None-None, 2023
B. Cobo Rodríguez
M.D.M. Rueda García,
"Techniques to avoid the social desirability bias and to reduce the selection bias. Application to a survey of eating disorders", "8th Italian Conference on Survey Methodology", None-None, 2023
S. Martínez-Puertas, M. Illescas Manzano
M.D.M. Rueda García,
"Calibration estimation of distribution function based on multidimensional scaling of auxiliary information", "21º 20º Computational and Mathematical methods in Science and Engineering & International Conference in HPC", None-None, 2023
J.L. Rueda, B. Cobo Rodríguez
L. Castro Martín,
"Métodos para integrar datos de encuestas probabilísticas y de voluntarios", "XI Congreso Andaluz de Sociología. "Andalucía, nuevos retos, nuevos escenarios"", None-None, 2022
S. Martínez-Puertas, M.D.M. Rueda García
M. Illescas Manzano,
"Distribution function estimation with calibration on principal components", "International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering and International Conference in HPC ", None-None, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024