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M.D.M. Rueda García, B. Cobo Rodríguez and A. Arcos Cebrian,  "Use of Free Software to Estimate Sensitive Behaviours from Complex Surveys", "Trends in Mathematical, Information and Data Sciences", 423-437, 2023
S. Martínez-Puertas, M.D.M. Rueda García, M. Illescas Manzano and A. Arcos,  "Calibration Adjustment for Dealing with Nonresponse in the Estimation of Poverty Measures", "Mathematical and Computational Methods for Modelling, Approximation and Simulation ", 209-236, 2022
B. Cobo Rodríguez and E. Pelle,  "Item Count Technique in Ranked Set Sampling", "Ranked Set Sampling Models and Methods", 26-41, 2022
D. Molina Muñoz and B. Cobo Rodríguez,  "Percepciones de los estudiantes universitarios frente a los estereotipos de género en matemáticas", "INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF INNOVATION AND ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (VOL.1)", 1-5, 2022
R. Álvarez-Arroyo, A.F. Roldán López De Hierro, G.R. Cañadas De La Fuente and M.D.M. Lopez Martin,  "Debilidades y fortalezas de los psicólogos en formación sobre el conocimiento de intervalos de confianza", "Investigações hispano-brasileiras em educação estatística", 94-99, 2020
J.E. Ruiz Castro, C.J. Acal Gonzalez, A.M. Aguilera Del Pino, F.J. Alonso Morales, J. Álvarez Liébana, B. Cobo Rodríguez and R. Raya Miranda,  "Flipped learning con APPES", "14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference ", 2843-2848, 2020
M. Sesma-Sara, L. De Miguel, A.F. Roldán López De Hierro, J. Spirkova, R. Mesiar and H. Bustince ,  "Description and properties of curve-based monotone functions", "New Trends in Aggregation Theory", 195-204, 2019
A. Arcos Cebrian, B. Cobo Rodríguez and M.D.M. Rueda García,  "Selection and estimation in Ranked Set Sampling using R", "Ranked Set Sampling (the ¿Work¿) ", 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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